CFSuite AI Automation Platform

We're taking it to the next level by bridging the gap between Customer Experience and Generative AI. By leveraging innovative Generate AI Models such Salesforce EinsteinGPT, Azure OpenAI and our very own CFSuite GPT (Llama), were able to automate mundane tasks and assist you to deliver exceptional experiences.
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CFSuite AI Automation Platform

Empower your Council with AI Driven Insights, Actions and Knowledge.

Enhanced Experience

Enhance customer experience with CFSuite AI, aiding your teams to get back to customer's quicker and more accurately, reducing the chance of any human error.

Next level productivity

CFSuite AI streamlines council operations, eliminates mundane tasks that can be automated and frees up your team's time for more high value work.

Custom Models

You can tailor CFSuite AI to your needs with flexibility on what model you use with either EnsteinGPT, Azure OpenAI or CFSuite GPT (Llama).

Trust and Security

Built on Salesforce's Einstein GPT Trust Layer, ensuring data privacy and compliance, crucial for Council operations and reducing any risk from misuse.


Enhance council services with human-in-the-loop AI, ensuring decisions blend AI efficiency with staff review and validation to ensure everything is kosher.

AI Knowledge Agent

Load in knowledge on your Council, scrape the details on your website and leverage LLM's to assist your teams and bots in responding to customer enquiries.

Join our growing Council Partner Network

Our Council's continue to win awards in the customer space and are fostering an awesome community of practice for sharing ideas, projects and work.

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